Baby Eczema Treatment by Using Natural Remedies
Many parents whose babies has eczema would rush to purchase over the counter prescriptions medication in order to give immediate relief. They are not aware that the drugs merely suppress the symptoms of the eczema. Such symptoms are dry and itchy skin. Once given the medication the little baby would be relieved immediately of their rashes. Peace and quiet would be in the house.
Unfortunately this would only be temporary as the eczema would return with much ferocity than before. So the parents have to buy the medication again but this time they do not work at all. The baby seem to be immune to the drugs. Therefore babies should never be given prescribed medication.
Studies had shown that eczema is an allergic reaction from eating certain foods or being in contact with allergens. Eczema is very common among babies because their immune system are still developing. Baby skin are soft and thin therefore extra care should be taken for skin care. However the parents should also bear in mind of the proper nutrition for their babies. Only with proper nutrition can the baby grow stronger and make their immunity system stronger.
I have a few tips here for parents which they can safely use in caring for their babies with eczema. The methods used are all using natural remedies without the risks of side effects.
Parents must first find out what foods and external allergens causes eczema to their babies. All babies are different from each other. What may be deemed to be allergens to your baby may not affect other babies with eczema. Therefore parents need to find this out through trial and error. Once the allergens are detected the baby would recover fast. Some of the food which are known to be allergens are cow dairy milk. Perhaps this could be changed to goat milk, But mother milk is still the best as this will help to boost the baby immunity system.
Avoid external allergens. Only use pure cotton for baby clothing, Use unscented soaps for baby bath and shampoo. Get the hypoallergenic types. Also use unscented moisturiser and baby powder. It is very important to ensure that the baby skin are not too exposed to synthetic materials. Just use natural materials for all the baby things and all would be fine.
Babies with eczema need to be bathed at least twice a day. This is to clean away dead skin and to ensure that went given moisturizer it get soaked into the skin. Use lukewarm rather than warm water for baby's bath, Ensure that you lightly pat baby to dry rather than rubbing. Rubbing removes some of the much needed oils that form part of the baby's skin defense.
Keep your home dust free and especially your baby's nursery as this may assist to reduce the incidence of eczema flare ups. Keep soft furnishing in the nursery to a minimum. The soft furnishing attracts dust and this is not good for baby. Do not keep pets in the house. Pet hair is a common allergen.
Seeing our little babies suffer with itchy eczema can be very distressing and stressful especially at night. However it should be comforting to know that most babies grow out of their eczema by the time they are around 2 to 3 years old. In the meantime parents should ensure that the above tips are followed. Just by ensuring you keep your baby's skin well moisturized and avoid using strong soaps and detergents you should be able to soothe your baby's discomfort and help stop the itching.
Carol Micheals has established herself as an expert writer on various topics especially on making money from home and Health Care. She can be reached online at:
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